Mastering Time Management: Setting Boundaries for Success
Mastering Time Management: Setting Boundaries for Success In my experience, approximately 80% of my clients have confessed their ongoing struggle with time management. Even for accomplished executives who have attended one or more formal time management courses, the...

Mastering Leadership: Understanding the Symbiosis between Leaders and Teams
Leadership is not a solitary endeavour; it thrives on the dynamic interplay between leaders and their teams. Just like a well-planned journey, the success of any team hinges on the seamless coordination between these two entities. In this blog, we'll be exploring the...

Six More Ways to Improve Your Job Performance as a Leader
If you are in a leadership position, your job performance holds an even greater weight than other employees because your actions have a stronger impact on your team and the wider organization. Read on to learn six more ways to improve your job performance as a leader....

Four Ways to Improve Your Job Performance (Because Your Performance at Work is More Important than You Realize)
We know poor management leads to unimpressive outcomes, yet when we think about our own job performance, whose responsibility is it? While preparing for a coaching session with a client recently, I found a good deal of reading on how managers can help others improve...

How have culture, politics and global awareness shaped initial approaches to Covid-19 across the world?
Why did we not use a universal approach to solve the pandemic, pool resources and create a robust response? Although what we have may look like chaos – it is in fact, a dramatic demonstration of the role culture plays in how we react and solve problems.

Desafío empresarial post-covid19
Las consecuencias a largo plazo de esta pandemia covid-19 van mucho más allá de la economía. Las empresas deberán ser mucho más flexibles después y permitir que los empleados trabajen de forma remota, con la flexibilidad y completar tareas tanto desde la oficina como desde el hogar. Con la dinámica del trabajo remoto sumada a las nuevas relaciones laborales, está claro que las relaciones entre colegas también cambiarán.