by Edmée Schalkx | Dec 14, 2017 | Articles
Let me start by saying that every organisation needs leaders, managers and followers and that these roles might be interchangeable. What is also important to know is that groups tend to perform better with a combination of willing followers, good managers and strong...
by Edmée Schalkx | Jul 31, 2017 | Whispers
Coaches listen and then ask questions. A real danger is when a coach is listening to the client telling about a situation and is not listening “behind” the words. When staying in the “gossip” the coach might not probe deeper, then the coach...
by Edmée Schalkx | Jun 15, 2016 | Whispers
Coach Competency # 5: Active listening The act of listening is a very important one, not only when coaching, but when being with your teams, employees, clients. As coach how would you rate your listening skills?