Same value, yet different meaning

Same value, yet different meaning

As an anthropologist, I learned to define culture as a set of beliefs and behaviours a group of people share. With time passing and a couple of experiences richer, I have fine-tuned my definition of culture. Culture is, indeed, about beliefs and behaviours but it goes...
How to Overcome Cultural Biases in the Workplace

How to Overcome Cultural Biases in the Workplace

When I see you through my eyes, I think that we are different. When I see you through my heart, I know we are the same. ~Doe Zantamata Every person, whether they realise it or not, holds and is subject to (unconscious) cultural biases. Biases appear to be a natural...
The Invisible Barrier in Coaching

The Invisible Barrier in Coaching

Our brains are wired to recognise patterns quickly. So, we are predisposed to categorise things to help patterns occur. Throughout the world, racial, cultural, and ethnic differences are used to place people into different categories. Once we categorise people in this...