by Edmée Schalkx | Nov 14, 2017 | Articles |
The moment you decide to move to another country – no matter the reason – you start to be different. Thinking about where you are going to go, what you are going to do, if you are going to like it, and if you are going to be happy, makes you reflect on who...
by Edmée Schalkx | Oct 25, 2017 | Uncategorized
Coaching ya no es una “palabra sucia” y no es sólo se usar en los deportes. Hoy en día la gente no se avergüenza de decir que están trabajando con un coach. Por el contrario, los coaches están siendo ostentados en las salas de juntas,...
by Edmée Schalkx | Oct 6, 2017 | Mentor Coaching: Bits & Pieces
We are all humans and as such we all love a good story! It is nothing more than natural to be attracted by “gossip”, details and get lost in the story. When we are coaching we need to be aware that the story in itself with all the juicy gossip and...
by Edmée Schalkx | Aug 9, 2017 | Mentor Coaching: Bits & Pieces
The effect of single stories can be devastating. Any single story has the potential to be insensitive, naïve, and even demoralizing. The goal is to stay curious and discover the untold layer buried beneath. Love Chimamanda TED talk she brings up the danger of...
by Edmée Schalkx | Jul 31, 2017 | Whispers
Coaches listen and then ask questions. A real danger is when a coach is listening to the client telling about a situation and is not listening “behind” the words. When staying in the “gossip” the coach might not probe deeper, then the coach...