The 3 ICF levels of certification

The 3 ICF levels of certification

ICF is the largest coach organisation and it stands for professional coaching.  Coaching is a profession and coaches should stand for development, growth, and professionalisation. ICF’s offers three credentials: ACC, PCC and MCC. With an ICF Credential, coaches...
The Transatlantic Travels of a Blue Jeans

The Transatlantic Travels of a Blue Jeans

The Transatlantic Travels of a Blue Jeans Crisscrossing nine cultures before you can wear yours “In 1853, a young tailor from Germany, called Levi Strauss, began working in San Francisco; Levi sold thick canvas to miners; the miners used the canvas to make tents. One...
Life after a Tony Robbins Event

Life after a Tony Robbins Event

Life after a Tony Robbins Event (or any other motivational event) The reasons why motivation does not last more than a couple of minutes Are you familiar with the excitement and uplift you felt during a motivational event or to that matter any training you have...
Four Tips When Hiring a Coach

Four Tips When Hiring a Coach

Coaching is a profession, just like medicine, architecture or anthropology. Would you hire an architect who woke up one morning and decided to start building houses?  One who has not been educated as an architect? It is important that the architect knows about...