The Two Sides of Managing Diversity at the Workplace
Does your workplace look like a holiday fair, with people from different backgrounds, religions, skin colour and even different languages and or dialects are spoken? Then you indeed work in a place where cultural diversity is a way of being. Diversity in...

Why You Are Better off With Mentor Coaching Than With Training
You are a professional coach with an ICF certification and now what? You will need to renew your certification every three years with a minimum of 40 hours of CCE’s (Continuous Coach Education). Three years seems a long time, and the choices for programmes is vast...

The Invisible Barrier in Coaching
Our brains are wired to recognise patterns quickly. So, we are predisposed to categorise things to help patterns occur. Throughout the world, racial, cultural, and ethnic differences are used to place people into different categories. Once we categorise people in this...

Coaching skills that Managers & Consultants need to have
Honestly I get the chills whenever I hear professionals introducing themselves as coaches, while they have not had any serious training and/or followed with certifications. I call them la-la coaches. Professional coaching is a legitimate profession for...

Tus diferencias hacen la diferencia: 7 ventajas para emprender con éxito
En el momento que tomas la decisión de mudarte a otro país – no importa la razón – ya empiezas a ser diferente. El pensar a dónde vas a llegar, que vas a hacer, si te va a gustar y si vas a ser feliz ya hace que reflejes en quién eres y quién quieres ser. No hay otra...

How do leaders and managers differ with respect to goals setting?
Let me start by saying that every organisation needs leaders, managers and followers and that these roles might be interchangeable. What is also important to know is that groups tend to perform better with a combination of willing followers, good managers and strong...