The Transatlantic Travels of a Blue Jeans

The Transatlantic Travels of a Blue Jeans

The Transatlantic Travels of a Blue Jeans Crisscrossing nine cultures before you can wear yours “In 1853, a young tailor from Germany, called Levi Strauss, began working in San Francisco; Levi sold thick canvas to miners; the miners used the canvas to make tents. One...
Life after a Tony Robbins Event

Life after a Tony Robbins Event

Life after a Tony Robbins Event (or any other motivational event) The reasons why motivation does not last more than a couple of minutes Are you familiar with the excitement and uplift you felt during a motivational event or to that matter any training you have...
Networking Without a Birth-Network

Networking Without a Birth-Network

Networking can be a challenge; it can be nerve-racking, even stressful. When you network in a place which isn’t your birthplace, you can add feeling awkward to the mix. But it does not have to be that way. I was born in Venezuela and before I moved to The...